Because 2020.

Congratulations we survived 2020!!! Time to count our blessings cause there are a lot of people that didn’t make it this far. Life is not defined in years but in moments and every moment counts. I take all the moments good and bad, add them to this experience called life and ask myself… What did I learn? What changed about me? Who am I even? I’m on a constant quest of finding my true self because who I am is constantly changing. This year in particular came with a lot of change. Change in routines, change on outlooks, change in relationships, change in interests, change in perspective, and changes to try and make a change. Change! Change! Change! Change! Change! I don’t think I said it enough times. But what’s more important is to embrace the change, heal, and grow. I’m like an old plant with new growth cause this year felt like a new beginning. 2020 hit the reset button and gave me 2020 vision. In the future I will look back wonder how I got here and the answer will be “Because 2020.”